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понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.


Take my eyes, the things I’ve seen
In this world coming to an end.
My reflection fades, I’m weary
Of these earthly bones and skin.
You may pass through me and
Leave no trace, I have
No mortal face.
Solar winds are whispering,
You may hear me call.
We can shed our skins and swim
Into the darkened void beyond.
We will dance among the world
That orbit stars that aren’t our sun.
All the oxygen that trapped us in
A carbon spider’s web.
Solar winds are whispering, you
May hear the sirens of the dead.
Let the elders to their parley
Meant to satisfy our lust.
Leaving Damacles still hanging
Over all their promised trust.
Walk away from freedoms offered
By the jailors in their cage.
Step into the light, startripping
Over mortals in their rage.
Starblind with sun, the
Stars are one.
We are the light that brings
The end of night.
Starblind with sun, the
Stars are one.
We are with the Goddess
Of the sun tonight.
The preacher loses face
With Christ.
Religion’s cruel device is gone.
Empty flesh and hollow bones
Make pacts of love but die alone.
The crucible of pain will forge the
Blanks of sin, begin again.
You are free to choose a life to live
Or one that’s left to lose.
Virgins in the teeth of God are
Meat and drink to geed the damned.
You may pass through me and I
Will feel the life that you live less.
Step into my light, startripping.
We will rage against the night.
From Lyrics, Tabs Chords http://www.metal-head.org
Walk away from comfort offered
By your citizens of death.
Starblind with sun, the
Stars are one.
We are the light that brings
The end of night.
Starblind with sun, the
Stars are one.
We are with the Goddess
Of the sun tonight.
Take my eyes for what I’ve seen.
I will give my sight to you.
You are free to choose whatever:
Life to live or life to lose.
Whatever God you know,
He knows you better than you
In your once and future grave
You’ll fall endlessly deceived.
Look into our face reflected in the
Moonglow in your eyes.
Remember you can choose
To look but not to see and
Waste your hours.
You believe you have the time
But I tell you your time is short.
See your past and future, all the
Same, and it cannot be bought.
Starblind with the sun, the
Stars are one.
We are the light that brings
The end of night.
Starblind with sun, the
Stars are one.
We are with the Goddess
Of the sun tonight.
Take my eyes for what I’ve seen.
I will give my sight to you.
You are free to choose whatever:
Life to live or life to lose.
Whatever God you know,
He knows you better than you
In your once and future grave
You’ll fall endlessly deceived.
The preacher loses face
With Christ.
Religion’s cruel device is gone.
Empty flesh and hollow bones
Make pacts of love but die alone.
The crucible of pain will forge the
Blanks of sin, begin again.
You are free to choose a life to live
Or one that’s left to lose.

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